Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Diane Crosier and Rodger Hartnett: No one but us should be allowed to sue

Diane Crosier, executive director of SDCOE-JPA

After years of successful opposition to the claims of those who have been injured by unlawful actions of teachers and school officials, Diane Crosier and Rodger Hartnett, bigshots in the San Diego County Office of Education-Joint Powers Authority, suddenly think that the courts should switch sides, and listen to the complaints of victims.

No, not all victims. Just Diane and Rodger.

What was that you were saying about lawsuit abuse, Diane? You fall off a horse and want someone else to pay, right? Yes, I know it hurts. I've fallen off a horse, and I've broken my back. But I never sued anybody over it.

In what way are you different from all the people whose claims you turned down, Rodger? They don't deserve accomodations for disabilities, but you do? How do you figure that? I do salute you, however, for the public service you have done by exposing a small part of the wrongdoing at SDCOE-JPA.

Why don't the two of you admit the truth: those who are illegally harmed deserve the protection of the law?

And those who have done the harm, such as the two of you, should pay.